Presentation of heritage

Good afternoon teacher, classmates my name is Natalia prieto cid, I study architecture and today I will talk about heritage.
Heritage is the inheritance of tangible and intangible goods that we have received from our predecessors, the knowledge of these accumulated throughout its history is the testimony of their lives, the way of understanding the world, their beliefs, the way that were related to the environment and the context in which they lived, so our cultural heritage is a powerful reason to be proud of who we are from where we come from and where we are going as a society, it helps us strengthen our identity and recognize the diversity of our culture.
 It is in this context that heritage is divided into two types, natural heritage and cultural heritage; The natural heritage are all elements and resources that nature has given us, and on the other hand, the cultural heritage is all the creations and designs of the human being.
 It is divided into intangible cultural heritage, which is made up of languages ​​and oral traditions, rituals and celebrations, music and dance, knowledge and practices inherited as traditional medicine and gastronomy, while the material cultural heritage is conformed by all the goods that we can feel with touch, such as churches and buildings, paintings and sculptures, and others.
 And finally this same one is divided in movable patrimony that are all the cultural goods that can be moved from one side to another one like the ceramic, textile, paintings, coins, books and furniture, and the real cultural patrimony which can not be transported like the big houses, squares, cemeteries, roads, bridges and others.
 In this area, architecture has different references such as:
1) The government palace located in the center of the city, which was designed by the architect Joaquín Toesca to be the Casa de Moneda de Santiago, and later converted into the seat of executive power by President Manuel Bulnes.
2) Cite Cienfuegos, which was born in the late nineteenth century as a response to the overcrowding of the city of Santiago. In this same lived the Chilean writer Vicente Huidobro, and his house became the point of meeting of the young poets of the generation 1938.
3) The Central Market, designed by the architect Fermín Vivaceta, is a Chilean gastronomic meeting space, mainly based on seafood, which is considered by National Geographic in 2012 as the fifth best market in the world.
All these examples are representative spaces of our society, both politically, as housing, or related to gastronomy. Buildings were we have developed our identity as chileans.
Thank you for your attention.


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