Something interesting that I im doing it’s participe in Brigadas Territoriales (BT) , today i im in the area named “Contamination” and at the same time “Agitation and propaganda”, this two differ that the first one it’s related with investigations that are done in field and the second one  works with how the organization it’s articulated. The team that goes to field it’s making a investigation of how the mineral asbestos contaminated the population Exequiel Cortés , in Ñuñoa, this is a very different sector from where I grow up , where the narrow streets helps that the settlers knows and helps each other, a organized space: with workshops that strengthened the child's education, public talks for elderly persons once a month with birthdays, with a neighborhood council and a organization of adults that believes in changes through education. In the second team we see the graphics and communicative reproductions of BT. At the moment I am working with a wonderful group composed by architectures, writers and publicists , who have help me to complement my career. Living this give me hopes, there are peoples with good intentions, people that only works for the sake of the community.


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