A few weeks ago in Brigadas Territoriales, we realized educational trainings for Adobe programs like Photoshop and InDesing, we also added classes for language ability in order to give communications tools to our partners. After that class many participants commented that for the first time in theirs life, they felt that they were really understanding what they were writing,that many times they writed thinking that they were really communicating theirs ideas when it wasn’t like that, in face of this the person in charge of the lesson answer that the problem lies in the schools, this institutions tends to give more credit to orthographic and calligraphic, and not to how express your ideas, they doesn’t explain you from child that the morphosyntactic analysis it’s for in a future you can write in a better way your thoughts and it is not only for differentiate subject and predicate. In that moment all have sense, I think that in a very few opportunities a teacher worry about what I really think about the books of reading comprehension, I get used to the repetitive answers with good letter, and the calligraphics penitentials in case of not doing the homework.


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